"The World of Cars: Meet the Cars" is a vibrant and engaging book that introduces readers to the beloved characters from the Disney-Pixar Cars franchise. Each character from the movie is featured with detailed illustrations and profiles, offering insights into their unique personalities, roles in the story, and fun facts.
Welcome to the worlds of the Palace Pets! Your favourite Disney princesses have some new friends. It's time to meet Pumpkin the playful puppy, Beauty the pretty kitty, Berry the bouncing bunny and Blondie the prancing pony. But how did these cute little creatures become Palace Pets? Find out in this purr-ific tale!
To whoever finds this book, my name is Dipper Pines, and I bring you dire warnings from a town filled with horror, mystery, and the supernatural! In order to survive, I've written a few tips and tricks to handling weirdness. And speaking of weirdness . . .