The story follows eleven-year-old Harry Potter, an orphan raised by his neglectful relatives, the Dursleys.
Tessa, one of the Star Darlings, is a creative and resourceful girl who is known for her ability to solve problems and find lost items. In "Tessa's Lost and Found," Tessa faces a significant challenge when she is sent on her first mission to Earth to grant a wish.
Like Edward Cullen in "Twilight", Nigel Mullet was transformed into a vampire when he was still a teenager, and will remain this age forever.
Rip is loved by the children of the village and his dog, Wolf, but his nagging wife constantly berates him for his lack of ambition and diligence. To escape his wife's incessant scolding, Rip often wanders into the mountains with his dog.
As she grows up, Alice pursues her dreams by traveling to various places around the world, from mountain peaks to tropical forests. After returning home, she fulfills her second dream by settling in a small house by the sea.