The story follows a young boy named Peter, who finds a pair of goggles and imagines all the exciting things he can do with them. Peter's adventures are a blend of imagination and exploration, highlighting the joy and creativity that can come from simple objects.
"Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!" is a humorous and engaging picture book for young children. It features a pigeon who desperately wants to drive a bus and tries to persuade the reader to let him do so while the bus driver is away.
Join Poppy and Sam and all the animals at Apple Tree Farm in this delightful treasury.
A wintry world awaits for any girl who likes to make things gorgeous. Winter Wonderland is a beautiful activity book, full of partly coloured illustrations and festive patterns designed to inspire budding artists and help them to create their own, festive masterpieces. From snowflakes, sleighs and sparkling lights, to treats, trees and trimmings - doodlers can keep out the cold and get into the…
The tropical climate nurtures an abundance of delicious fruit, which can be grown, with care, in gardens elsewhere. Tropical Fruit highlights the best tropical fruit: how to recognize them, enjoy them, and get the best out of them. Information on their English, botanical and fascinating local names is provided, as well as tips on nutritional and medicinal properties. Botanical paintings show th…
Rain comes from clouds. It comes from big clouds and little clouds. It comes from black clouds, white clouds, and gray clouds.